Whole school

Simple Behaviour Charts (2 versions)
Simple Behaviour Charts (2 versions)
Charts can be displayed in your room and easily completed.
Version 1: morning and afternoon face to colour (green= good, orange/yellow = OK, red = needs improved)
Version 2: morning, break to lunch and afternoon (tick = good, cross = needs improved) then colour face for the day (green= good, orange/yellow = OK, red = needs improved)

Blank Guided Reading Planner
Blank Guided Reading Planner
Fill in date, group name, book title, learning intentions, observations and activites.

Setting Learning Targets
A blank template that children can use to write down their learning target for the school term/year.

Individual Desk Label with alphabet and numbers
Individual Desk Label
On each label is the child’s name, alphabet (uppercase and lowercase), numbers (0-30), a left hand and right hand.
30 labels already created, names just need to be changed.

Fundraising Event - Wacky Olympics (Sponsorship form and certificate)
Fundraising Event - Wacky Olympics
Blank sponsorship form and certificate included.

KS1/KS2 - Summer Holidays Assembly
KS1/KS2 - Summer Holidays Assembly
An assembly all about being thankful for rest, recreation and holidays.
Complete script with 30 characters.
All you have to do is choose your own songs and the rest has been done for you.

KS1/KS2 - Healthy Eating Assembly
KS1/KS2 - Healthy Eating Assembly
An assembly all about how to stay healthy.
Complete script with 26 characters.
All you have to do is choose your own song and the rest has been done for you.

KS2 - Advent Assembly
KS2 - Advent Assembly
An assembly all about the meaning of advent.
Complete script with 30 characters.
All you have to do is choose your own song and prayer and the rest has been done for you.

Visual Class Timetable (28 cards + blanks)
Visual Class Timetable
28 cards already created e.g. Numeracy, Literacy, P.E., Music, Assembly, etc.
blank cards included so you can create your own.

KS2 - Egypt Assembly
KS2 - Egypt Assembly
An assembly explaining a little bit about Ancient Egypt.
Complete script with 30 characters.
All you have to do is choose 2 songs and the rest has been done for you.